Safety Compliance

Safety compliance is often considered a necessary evil and something that occurs at the very end of the product development process. Truth be told, documenting the design is never a popular task among engineers. One inevitable concern is that the product has not been given sufficient textual backing from the start and the chronological sequence of the V model concludes the fragmentary nature of the documentation. As a result, requirements are not clearly defined, for example, or the origin of requirements is not known. Specifications from the group, the generic product or the company are often not known or are amended or simply not taken into account.

However, companies do have specifications that derive from statutory or group-specific provisions. This is almost always the case. The Damocles sword of product liability law hangs threateningly over the management as the owner of all development processes – more critically in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises than with larger players. The precarious balancing act between cost reduction and competitiveness on one hand and the necessary degree of safety compliance on the other is a tricky one.

So, what do I really have to do?

  • What role does product liability play?
  • Why are there generally recognised technology rules?
  • Who knows which knowledge level employees must have?
  • When is my product safety-compliant?

InterEngineer helps companies to master all these challenges. We conduct analyses, help you in determining applicable norms and standards, adapt processes and procedures, and accompany the project or product management during all phases of product formation.

Safety Compliance InterEngineer

Safety compliance

Our team assists you in bringing your products in line with standards and improving your processes. More…

Safety Engineering

Safety engineering

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Safety Management by InterEngineer

Safety management

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Funktionale Sicherheit InterEngineer

Functional safety

We implement safety mechanisms for all conceivable cases in a system. More…

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Functional verification

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Consulting InterEngineer


We integrate the latest changes in your company into all relevant processes. More…

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